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Applying Spiritually Based Strategies:

Trauma Education to Achieve Wholeness



The acknowledgement that Western methods may not adequately address all the cultural and spiritual components of PTSD, created a call for models that are more wholistic and Indigenous in nature. The Trauma Recovery Certification Accredited level course was designed to address this gap. The purpose of this research was to statistically quantify the effectiveness, on learning as determined through analysis of course evaluations, and on the personal healing of PTSD symptoms achieved by course participants, as determined through analysis of the PCL-5 pre to post score differences. A second purpose of the study was to determine if there would be a significant difference, in course evaluation scores, for course participants who attended in an Urban Retreat Center, as compared to those who attended in Indigenous Communities in Canada. Data was obtained from all 294 course participants. The p-value for a paired t-test was 0.0000, indicating a significant difference between PCL-5 pre scores and post scores, and based on the sample size gives a good degree of confidence in the PTSD symptom reduction from methods provided in the course. The p-values for the independent t-tests comparing the means of the course participants from Indigenous communities and the course participants from the urban retreat center, for Questions 1, 2 and 3, on the Course Evaluation are not significant at the conventional significance level of š¯›¼=0.05Ī±=0.05. Based on the t-test results, and due to the sample size, there is no strong evidence to suggest significant differences in scores for participants in the Urban Retreat Center or from Indigenous Communities. These findings provide confidence in the methods for the treatment of PTSD symptoms for both Western and Indigenous populations in Canada.

Ā©Taking Flight International Corporation

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