Cross Cultural and International Core Teams
Since 2007, Dr. Jane Simington has developed and delivered, through Taking Flight International Corporation, accredited courses with a strong cross-cultural approach.

Grief Support Certification, Star of the North Centre, Canada
Trauma Recovery Certification, Athens, Greece

Counseling practice during Suicide Intervention Certification Course
in Skidegate, Haida Gwaii, BC.
Members from one First Nation Community, in Saskatchewan, consented to participate in a research study to determine the effectiveness of the cross-cultural healing methods I have developed and teach. Read about my research.
Soul Retrieval Following Trauma: A Cultural Comparison
Jane A. Simington, PhD.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a disabling psychiatric condition involving an ongoing re-experiencing of the traumatic events. In attempting to escape the distressing emotions involved in the reliving, many PTSD patients with prolonged traumatic experiences, such as childhood abuse and war experiences, show a clinical syndrome that is characterized by dissociation (Lanius, 2010). Spiritual interventions, such as various types of soul retrieval that have been practiced by various First Peoples worldwide, can be effective in addressing the soul loss that occurs as a result of dissociation. This study applied a soul retrieval regression therapy intervention to two different research groups, university students and Indigenous adults, with statistically significant results.
Harley Eagle
Violet Soosay
Joanna Grecos & Constantine Panayotopoulos
Agnes Mariakaki
Taking Flight International Corporation
Offices of Dr. Jane Simington. PhD.
205 Griesbach Road NW
Edmonton, AB T5E 6S5
Tel: 780-473-6732
Fax: 780-472-0885
E-Mail: [email protected]
I am Giota Rousakou, a practicing somatic psychotherapist in Athens Greece, and in therapy, I work a lot with the body and its expression. My trainings with Dr. Jane Simington have helped me immensely in my work. Through advanced skills that I have acquired in her trainings, I am able to lead my clients to connect deeper with their body and with the messages that the body sends. I am able to better facilitate their steps to healing. Dr. Jane Simington has continued supporting me and fellow therapists who have trained with her, through the years, offering insight, knowledge and mostly, her love.
Giota Rousakou,
Somatic Therapist and Mental Health Counselor, Greece.