Transformation Coaching Online
Online Courses
Taking Flight International

Transformation Coaching Online Certification Course


I am Dr. Jane Simington. This course is developed, based on my personal and professional experiences.

Personally: Some years following the death of my son, I began to experience a constant inner nagging. I knew that the grief and the healing had changed me, not only emotionally, but soulfully. I was aware that what I had once considered important was no longer important, and what was once unimportant to me, was now of paramount concern. I had a sense that something major had yet to be accomplished and that time was of the essence. During those times of intense soul searching, I struggled in total aloneness.

This course is designed so others do not feel abandoned as they search for ways to live their lives more in line, with who they have become following their lives’ turning points.

Professionally: I have a background in both Nursing and Psychology. I specialize in helping people move through times of change and transformation. I help them grieve and heal the losses, and support and guide them as they transition into becoming who they are meant to be. I offer education, so other professionals can also support and counsel during life transitions.



A Different Approach to Healing


Turning Point is a time after which life will never again be the same. A Certified Transformation Coach supports and counsel those who are moving through a major turning point and are struggling in their attempts to determine what meaning their life will have now, and what actions are required to live a more fulfilled life, one that is more in line, with the person they have become.

During this course, the search for one’s purpose, following a major Turning Point, is described from a spiritual perspective. You learn to recognize the emotional and spiritual distress that can result from the search for life’s meaning and purpose, and to use therapeutic art and imagery to help your clients recognize the symbolic messages revealed in those modalities.


Acknowledging the spiritual distress and feelings of spiritual disconnection that often result following the Turning Points in life, I designed this course within a Spiritual Framework.

Within the context of this course, spirituality is described as a human being’s personal relationship to what is meaningful to him or her, and what gives direction and purpose to their life. The spiritual needs as identified by Carson and co-authors in Spiritual Dimensions of Nursing Practice are love, trust, hope, forgiveness, belonging, and meaning and purpose in life. According to these authors and other researchers, all people are considered to have a spiritual dimension, regardless of if, or how, it is expressed or practiced. Spiritual distress is the suffering experienced when one or more of the spiritual needs are not met.

To address the spiritual distress of those who are feeling a desire to be more in line, with their Soul's purpose, course participants are introduced to the work of Carl Jung who noted that if you want to address soul, you must speak soul’s language, the language of symbol and metaphor. Supported by his work and by research that demonstrates that highly-charged emotions are processed in the brain’s Right Hemisphere, course participants learn to incorporate therapeutic art and guided visualization, as spiritual interventions, and learn to help their clients interpret the symbolic messages being revealed.

My clinical experiences and the reports from traumatized clients indicate that when the spiritual wounds are healed, it is so much easier to then address and heal the other aspects of their lives.



I have taken this course twice now. Once over a two-day period with seven other participants and this time online. Although both were exceptionally helpful, I found doing the course online and having time to really reflect and ponder all the art activities, visualizations, and questionnaires, as well as to do further research, exceptionally centering, grounding and affirming in next right actions(s).

I finish this course feeling very affirmed in what I previously felt was of greatest importance for me to be focusing on, as well as this course and wise feedback received, has taken me to new depths in that knowledge and understanding.

Totally awesome 

With Much Appreciation


Patricia Greer 

 I will address the value to my clients of the self-empowering skills I learned during the Trauma Recovery Certification course. In my opinion, what makes this course unique, apart from Dr. Jane Simington’s inspirational, heart-centered, and passionate personality, is the connection she and the course content make between Psychology and Spirituality, between the individual and the soul, important information missed by many trauma courses. By using the language of the soul and techniques to address the effects of soul trauma, I learned in this course how to help restore the disrupted connection between the individual and his or her purpose in life.

 Sophia Tsoumaki,

Family & Bonding Counsellor, Family Constellations Facilitator, Trauma Therapist. 

Athens, Greece.

Taking Flight International Corporation

Offices of Dr. Jane Simington. PhD.

205 Griesbach Road NW

Edmonton, AB T5E 6S5

Tel: 780-473-6732     


E-mail: [email protected]

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